Most of us have a bad conscience about what we have behind our dear HIFI systems. One of our most expensive investments is in a big mess…
Usually in the beginning, when our precious is just installed we try to keep the cables quite straight and in some kind of order. With time, once we start adding new equipments and we upgrade with even more expensive cables, it is not so easy to keep control of the situation behind the rack and it does not help that we in most cases buy longer cables than what we really need…. you know, to be on the safe side!
Here follows some more reasons why using the Cable Rack:
By using the Cable Rack you will experience less tonal highlighting and masking, cleaner transient, better dynamic, response, wider and deeper soundstage, increased low level information as well as tighter and silkier bass.
Cable Rack 645mm height

Also available in the following configurations:
Cable carriers included:
Extra cable carriers are available as extra accessory.
Cable Rack 875mm height

Also available in the following configurations:
Cable carriers included:
Extra cable carriers are available as extra accessory.